Ag Biotech, Inc. Partners with Redox Bio-Nutrients to Expand Foliar Nutrition Solutions in Upstate New York

Lakeville, NY – Ag Biotech, Inc., a leading agricultural solutions provider, announced today a new partnership with Redox Bio-Nutrients, an innovator in plant bio-nutrition technologies. This collaboration will bring Redox’s cutting-edge foliar bio-nutrition products to farmers throughout the upstate New York region.

Foliar bio-nutrition involves the application of essential bio-nutrients directly to plant leaves, offering a rapid and efficient way to address deficiencies and boost crop health. Redox Bio-Nutrients’ products are formulated to optimize nutrient uptake, promote plant growth, and increase yields.

“We are thrilled to partner with Redox Bio-Nutrients and introduce their exceptional foliar bio-nutrition products to our customers,” said Bob Hudak, President of Ag Biotech, Inc. “This partnership allows us to offer farmers a comprehensive suite of tools to maximize their yields while practicing sustainable agriculture. Bringing improvements to crop yield, quality, storability, and profitability for farmers is our core mission, and the Redox technology will help us support farmers in this region”

Redox’s advanced technology focuses on sustainable intensification, helping farmers produce more with less environmental impact. Their products are designed to improve soil health, reduce fertilizer runoff, and enhance crop resilience. “Upstate New York is a vital agricultural region, and we’re excited to work with Ag Biotech, Inc. to bring our technology to farmers in this market,” said Colton Moon, President of Redox Bio-Nutrients. “Together, we can help farmers achieve higher yields, better quality crops, and a more sustainable future for agriculture.”

About Ag Biotech, Inc.
Ag Biotech, Inc. is a leading provider of sustainable biostimulant products, proudly serving Upstate New York farmers for over 30 years. With a global reach, we are committed to improving crop health, addressing yield gaps, and improving farmer resilience worldwide. To learn more, visit

About Redox Bio-Nutrients, LLC
For the past 30 years, Redox Bio-Nutrients has provided superior plant bio-nutrition, focusing on the synergy between biostimulant and nutrition, helping growers grow abundant, high quality crops through Redox Homeostasis, or plant charge balance. Find out more at

Global Food System Trends & Ag BioTech’s Role in Resilience

As we approach 2030, the global food system faces significant challenges. Environmental changes, socio-economic shifts, a rapidly increasing global population, and the need for resilience in commercial agriculture has become increasingly evident. The disruptions experienced from the Covid-19 pandemic, the continued impacts of climate change, the increasing environmental imbalance, and the shift in consumer preferences are just a few of the elements that are transforming our global food system.

The Food Systems Countdown to 2030 Initiative underscores the urgency of transforming food systems into sustainable, resilient models that ensure equitable access to healthy food. In this evolving landscape, Ag Biotech’s role is pivotal, especially in regions like East Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia, where the impact of these changes is most profound. 

This article explores the transformative trends shaping the agricultural sector, emphasizing the crucial role of resilience in ensuring global food security, and how Ag Biotech’s products support a sustainable crop production, balanced soil ecosystem, and reliable system to support our growing world population.


Changing Dynamics in the Global Food Market

Consumer preferences play a pivotal role in driving the agricultural industry. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, there is a growing awareness among consumers about the environmental impact of their food choices, driving a shift towards sustainable practices. The rising demand for sustainable and locally sourced products has reached over 65% of western consumers and is reshaping the agricultural landscape. 

Technology and innovation have become integral to modern commercial farming to keep up with the growing food demand and the shifting landscape of operation. Precision agriculture, web-enabled devices, and data-driven decision-making are enhancing efficiency and productivity. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology [2] emphasizes the positive impact of technology on agricultural sustainability, showcasing its potential to address food security challenges.


Market Volatility in the Global Food Market

The World Food Programme’s 2023 report highlights the volatility in global food markets. It states “In 2022, around 258 million people across 58 countries and territories faced acute food insecurity at crisis or worse levels, up from 193 million people in 53 countries and territories in 2021.” The increase in food insecurity is attributed to economic shocks and political instability globally. 

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has disrupted over one third of the world’s wheat market, skyrocketing grain prices in some East African countries such as Somalia by over 300%, and fertilizer prices worldwide by over 100%.


Similarly, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global food systems to external shocks, emphasizing the need for resilience. Supply chain disruptions and labor shortages exposed weaknesses in the existing agricultural model. Insights from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) provide valuable lessons learned during the pandemic, highlighting the importance of adaptive strategies and a more resilient food system on both the local and global scale.

Source: International Monetary Fund – Global Food Crisis May Persist, With Prices Still Elevated After Year of War


In these challenging times, Ag Biotech’s role in stabilizing food systems through sustainable practices is more crucial than ever. By enhancing crop resilience and yields, Ag Biotech’s products help buffer against market volatility and food insecurity. 


Environmental Landscape Affecting Global Food Systems 


Climate Change

Climate change continues to pose significant challenges to agricultural productivity and global food security entirely. Regions like Southeast Asia and East Africa are experiencing more frequent and extreme weather events, directly affecting crop yields. In East Africa, changing rainfall patterns are disrupting traditional farming seasons, while Southeast Asia faces challenges from rising temperatures and altered monsoon patterns. These climatic changes not only reduce crop yields but also affect the quality of produce, necessitating adaptive strategies in farming practices.


Soil Health Imbalances

In a more localized problem, the use of synthetic fertilizers contributes to environmental imbalances, impacting soil health and long-term ecosystem stability. The excessive use of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) fertilizers leads to imbalances in soil nutrient levels, impacting both the environment and crop health. The imbalance in NPK ratios can have detrimental effects on soil health and ecosystem stability including:

  • Soil Degradation: The overuse of fertilizers can lead to soil acidification and depletion of essential nutrients, reducing soil fertility over time.
  • Water Pollution: Excess nitrogen and phosphorus can leach into waterways, causing eutrophication and harming aquatic ecosystems.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Excessive nitrogen fertilizer use contributes to the release of nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas.

Addressing this imbalance is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Ag Biotech’s biofertilizers and biostimulants play a critical role in restoring nutrient balance, promoting microbial activity in the rhizosphere, providing a more balanced nutrient supply to crops, enhancing soil health, and reducing the environmental footprint of farming. 


The Role of Ag Biotech in Supporting Resilience

Ag Biotech’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its innovative solutions. The integration of biostimulants and biofertilizers helps mitigate the adverse effects of synthetic fertilizers, restoring soil health and enhancing nutrient uptake by plants. This approach not only improves crop yields but also contributes significantly to environmental sustainability and a more resilient socio-economic circumstance for farmers globally. 

We actively collaborate with commercial growers to tailor solutions to specific needs. This collaborative approach ensures that Ag Biotech’s products align with the diverse challenges faced by farmers, fostering long-term resilience in commercial agriculture. Our selection of innovative products, including biostimulants and biofertilizers, presents a sustainable alternative to traditional farming practices. Through advanced products and technologies, Ag Biotech addresses the challenges posed by changing dynamics in the agricultural sector.


Future Trends and Ag Biotech’s Vision

The Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Food Outlook report for 2023 notes that while there are increases in production and higher stocks on basic food items, the global production systems remain vulnerable to external shocks. These shocks include climate change, geopolitical tensions, and policy changes, all of which can tip the delicate balance of supply and demand. 

As global food systems continue to evolve, several emerging trends shape the future of agriculture. From regenerative farming practices to circular economies, these trends underscore the importance of sustainability in the agricultural sector. Ag Biotech, committed to staying ahead of industry challenges, is actively involved in ongoing research and development initiatives. These initiatives focus on creating a healthy rhizosphere, optimizing nutrient cycling, and ensuring more abundant crop growth, while directly working with farmers to overcome the logistical stressors that impact their operation.

As we must adapt and address the changing global dynamics in the global food system, we look to our global leaders that prioritize and promote sustainable adaptation. Ag Biotech’s endeavors align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to zero hunger, responsible consumption, and climate action. By contributing to sustainable and resilient agriculture, Ag Biotech actively supports the global need for a more sustainable future.



The need for sustainable and resilient agricultural practices has never been more urgent. By addressing challenges associated with synthetic fertilizers, promoting soil health, and enhancing resilience in a shifting global market, Ag Biotech’s role in offering innovative solutions that enhance food security, while promoting sustainable agriculture, is vital. 

As readers explore Ag Biotech’s products for commercial agriculture, we encourage you to contact our team to discuss how we can directly improve your crop yield and build resilience.


Tristan Hudak, Director of International Development

Email: [email protected] 



FAO Food Outlook Report, 2023:

Food Systems Countdown to 2030 Initiative:

Food Policy Research Institute, COVID-19 2 years later:

US Global Leadership Coalition:

World Economic Forum, Consumer preferences in food markets:

World Food Programme, Global Report of Food Crises, 2023:

Sustainable Innovation

Established in 1992, Ag Biotech has prioritized sustainable innovation by bringing biostimulants and biofertilizers to the agricultural global market, shaping the landscape of farming practices and the resilience of farmers in developing countries. At the heart of Ag Biotech’s mission lies a commitment to sustainable intensification that supports our growing global food demand, aligning seamlessly with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These SDGs include Zero Hunger, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life on Land, and Partnerships for the Goals.

SDG 2: Zero Hunger

In our rapidly growing global population, sustainable agriculture is critical to provide accessible and affordable food for people. Achieving zero hunger is foundational for human well-being and global stability. Sustainable agriculture plays a pivotal role in providing nutritious food, reducing malnutrition, and ensuring the long-term viability of farming systems.

Currently we have partners in over 20 countries across North and Central America, the Caribbean, East Africa, and Southeast Asia, and expansions in Europe and Northern Africa. Ag Biotech actively collaborates with farmers globally, tailoring our sustainable solutions to the specific needs and challenges faced by communities. Through this tailored approach, we strive to empower farmers to achieve food security while minimizing environmental impact.

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Decent work and economic growth are essential for poverty reduction and social development. The goal emphasizes the creation of quality jobs, ensuring fair wages, and fostering economic opportunities in our rapidly shifting global economy.

Ag Biotech’s impact extends beyond the fields, reaching the very core of economic sustainability and playing a vital role in job creation within the agricultural sector. By providing sustainable solutions, we not only enhance farm productivity but also contribute to the creation of decent work opportunities for individuals involved in the agricultural value chain.

By supporting rural farmers to maximize their yields, thus their return on investment for their crops, they stay actively competitive in the agricultural market. In Vietnam, for instance, the use of Bio Shot has led to a 25% increase in rice yield, meanwhile in East Africa, Ag Biotech’s biofertilizers have been shown to increase maize yield by up to 30%, significantly enhancing food security and farmer income.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Responsible consumption and production are critical for minimizing environmental impact, conserving natural resources, and addressing the challenges of climate change. It addresses the need to reduce waste generation, promote resource efficiency, and ensure sustainable consumption patterns.

By providing sustainable solutions for farmers with biostimulants and biofertilizers, Ag Biotech supports responsible consumption by reducing the dependence on synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. This shift towards more sustainable agricultural practices contributes to responsible production, ensuring that the environmental impact of farming activities is minimized.

The use of synthetic fertilizers has detrimental effects on the local ecosystems, both on land and in the water. Our desired transition away from synthetic fertilizers towards more natural solutions supports healthy and productive soil for current crops and future generations.

SDG 13: Climate Action

Climate action is crucial for preserving ecosystems, protecting communities from climate-related disasters, and ensuring a sustainable future. Sustainable agriculture plays a significant role in mitigating climate change and adapting to its effects. It recognizes that climate change is a global challenge that requires collaborative efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build resilience.

As our global temperature continues to increase with the release of greenhouse gas emissions, weather patterns are becoming more intense and less predictable. In Asia, annual rainfall is more extreme, leading to floods and a loss in crops and revenue. Meanwhile in East Africa, a 40-year drought has been relieved by torrential downpours, leading to catastrophic flooding.
As the impacts of climate change become increasingly evident, Ag Biotech actively promotes sustainable solutions that reduce the associated carbon footprint as well as promote healthy and fertile soil conditions. The integration of biostimulants and biofertilizers into farming systems minimizes the reliance on synthetic chemicals, including costly fertilizers, reducing the carbon footprint associated with conventional farming practices, as well as increasing the resilience of the land in drought-prone areas.

SDG 15: Life on Land

Healthy terrestrial ecosystems are vital for biodiversity, climate regulation, and supporting human livelihoods. The goal emphasizes the need to halt deforestation, restore degraded land, and promote sustainable land management practices. Our interconnected world and the human species as a whole are dependent on effective land management practices.

The health of our planet’s soil is intricately tied to the flourishing of life on land. Ag Biotech’s focus on sustainable intensification directly promotes practices that preserve soil health and nutrient content. Through our innovative solutions, Ag Biotech empowers farmers to cultivate the land while safeguarding its long-term viability, contributing to the broader goal of sustaining life on Earth and being conscious stewards of the land we rely on.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Building effective partnerships is essential for mobilizing resources, sharing knowledge, and fostering collective action to address global challenges. It emphasizes the need for global collaboration between governments, the private sector, and civil society to implement and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

Ag Biotech’s commitment to collaborating with farmers, distributors, and agricultural organizations globally contributes to the collective effort required to achieve sustainable development. Our commitment to technical excellence, expertise in the biostimulants and biofertilizers markets, and dedication to sustainable intensification make us the ideal choice for enhancing agricultural productivity while protecting the environment.

In the agricultural market, Ag Biotech emerges as a leader, showcasing that sustainable intensification is not just a goal but a reality. By aligning with key UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to hunger eradication, decent work, economic growth, responsible consumption and production, climate action, and life on land, Ag Biotech is actively contributing to a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future.

As our company continues to pioneer advancements in biostimulants and biofertilizers, its impact reverberates globally, nurturing the soil, feeding the hungry, and supporting responsible consumption and production for a greener tomorrow.

Contact Ag Biotech today to explore how our sustainable solutions can transform farming operations and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.



As the world grapples with the escalating challenges of climate change, smallholder farmers find themselves on the front lines. With a deep understanding of the land and a commitment to the stewardship of our natural resources, these farmers are not just cultivators of crops but contributors to global food security. Yet, they are among the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This article sheds light on the plight of smallholder farmers, particularly in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. It introduces Ag BioTech’s innovative climate-smart agriculture solutions that are helping to empower these vital food producers against the looming threats of climate change.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), smallholder farmers operating on less than 5 hectares of agricultural land per household constitute a substantial portion of the world’s agricultural labor force and food production. In total, smallholder farm units contribute over 70% of food calories produced globally and account for a significant portion of the global production of many staple crops. These smallholder farmers are the backbone of communities globally and necessary contributors to our global food system, yet their ability to remain resilient to the changing climate is more critical now than ever.

Climate Change Impacts on Small Holder Farmers

Smallholder farmers in tropical and arid climates are facing the bulk of our shifting climate. The altering weather patterns and extreme climatic events including droughts and floods pose significant threats to their crops and livelihoods. The volatile environment has devastating impacts on crop growth, soil health, and water availability, especially in vulnerable regions where farmers have fewer resources to adapt to the threats of climate change. According to The International Monetary Fund (IMF), each increase of 1 degree Celsius correlates to a three-percentage-point reduction in agricultural output in developing countries.

The frequency and intensity of flooding events across the globe are expected to increase as the hydrological cycle amplifies with anthropogenic global warming, known as the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that both heavy and intense precipitation is projected to intensify and become more frequent in South, Southeast, and East Asia, with more intense fluctuation. As seen in the graph below, seasonal precipitation is estimated to continue to increase throughout the century with less annual stability under RCP4.5, a moderate scenario of greenhouse gas emissions.

Projected Mean Annual Precipitation in Southeast Asia.

Total precipitation under RCP4.5 during January of 2013 (a), 2030 (b), 2050 (c), and 2070 (d). RCP4.5 is a moderate scenario where greenhouse gas concentrations are limited and stabilized by 2100 (APN).

Meanwhile in Sub-Saharan Africa, of the 30 worst climate events in history, 6 have taken place in the last 24 months. East Africa has just suffered a 40-year drought, followed by torrential rain which has flooded the sun-baked land; a result of the worst storm experienced in the last century, as found by Yale Climate Connections. Smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are consistently navigating the environmental shifts between longer dry spells and an increase in cyclones that make landfall. The IMF forecasts crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa will decline by 5 to 17 percent by 2050, despite a rapidly growing population and already strained food security.

Global Food Insecurity

Smallholder farmers are the cornerstone of food production in many regions, yet the volatility of climate change threatens this critical role. As per recent FAO reports, the role of small farms in feeding the global population is monumental, with a majority of food calories consumed globally originating from these critical operations.

The chart below delineates the share of global staple crop production attributable to smallholder farms, illustrating the predominance of small farms in the production of rice, peanut, cassava, millet, sugarcane, what, maize, and soy — key staples that millions depend on.

Share of global production of major food crops in developing countries according to farm size

Percent of global production by mass of staple crops, originating from each agricultural land mass category classification (Zero Carbon Analytics, data from IOP Publishing).

According to the U.N. World Food Program, 170 million people in sub-Saharan Africa face severe hunger this year, with figures expected to rise as the disruption in resource availability continues to worsen. Globally, as many as 783 million people are hungry, and the World Bank warns that a 4-degree Celsius rise could escalate global hunger, impacting up to 1.8 billion people. Such a spike in food insecurity would disproportionately affect Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa — regions heavily reliant on smallholder farms for local food supply.

In Asia and the Pacific, small farms are responsible for roughly 80% of food consumption, while in Sub-Saharan Africa, they contribute up to 90% of the local food production. The centrality of these farmers in maintaining regional food security underpins the urgency for climate-resilient agricultural practices.

Currently, climate disasters are outpacing innovation. It is imperative that we collectively focus on agricultural development, identified as an essential component of the first Sustainable Development Goal of ‘Reducing Poverty and Hunger’, specifically regarding investments in small farms.

The Role of Climate-Smart Agriculture

In response to these challenges, climate-smart agriculture is a necessary adaptation to maintain a productive and profitable crop yield. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an approach that seeks to transform agricultural systems to effectively support food security in the new realities of a warming world. As per the World Bank, CSA involves three key pillars: sustainably increasing agricultural productivity, adapting and building resilience to climate change, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“Climate change and food and nutrition insecurity pose two of the greatest development challenges of our time and yet a more sustainable food system can not only heal the planet, but ensure food security for all.” – World Bank, Climate-Smart Agriculture

Ag Biotech’s strategies and products directly align with CSA principles and promote a more sustainable agricultural landscape. For instance, our biofertilizers and biostimulants help increase crop resilience to climatic stressors, thereby ensuring consistent productivity even under adverse conditions.

In Vietnam, for instance, the use of BioShot has led to a 25% increase in rice yield, meanwhile in East Africa, Ag Biotech’s biofertilizers have been shown to increase maize yield by up to 30%, significantly enhancing food security and farmer income.

We can understand the positive impact that climate-smart agriculture has for farmers, by looking at the experience of Akello Grace in Dokolo District, Uganda. Grace is a 28-year-old farmer, who saw a 500% increase in maize yield, and a 460% yield increase in sorghum production after implementing CSA measures including bio-fertilizer usage, optimal weeding, and deploying a high-yield seed variant.

In Akello Grace’s words:

“I used to harvest a maximum of 4-5 bags (400-500 kgs) per acre for maize and 3-4 bags (300-400 kgs) for sorghum. Since enrolling with Agro Tourism Association (ATA) things have changed. In the training, they told us other varieties which can give you 4-5 times the bags I was getting. They taught us at the demo site how to plant seeds using plant nutrients (fertilizer) and why it’s important to do a timely weeding. After applying what I learnt, I was able to get 20 bags (2050 kgs) of maize (DK 777) and 14 bags (1400 kgs) of white sorghum (chromatin variety). This has greatly improved my income”

Enhancing Crop Yields and Supporting Farmers

Ag Biotech’s flagship products, BioShot and BioSeed, exemplify how targeted product design can revolutionize smallholder agriculture. These products improve productivity and contribute to the health and vitality of the land ecosystem through 4 main objectives.

  1. Sustainable Intensification: Our solutions are engineered to improve soil health and intensify crop production on existing land, making each square meter more productive and sustainable.
  2. Nutrient Availability: Our products are specifically designed to improve nutrient mobility, availability, and assimilation, to supplement fertilizer use for crops.
  3. Stress Reduction: Through the advanced formulations of our products, we tackle abiotic and biotic stress factors like drought and herbicide damage that are exacerbated by climate change, as well as preventing disease infection, thereby ensuring more resilient crop yields.
  4. Improved Quality: Our biostimulants not only boost yield but also improve crop quality, helping farmers meet the stringent export requirements, and thereby becoming more competitive on the global stage and increasing household income for smallholder farmers.

Ag Biotech understands the unique challenges of smallholder farmers and have designed our products for maximum efficiency and accessibility such as smaller packaging suitable for smallholder farmer use. The packaging presentations of Bio Seed and Bio Shot are tailored to a 1-acre (0.4 hectare) property, allowing farmers to optimize their investments for the necessary products, without purchasing more than needed. The effective packaging of our concentrated products makes it easier to ship globally to rural areas while minimizing shipping fees thus providing a more accessible product in ways that have historically been unfeasible for farmers in developing regions.

The user-friendliness of Ag Biotech’s product line also lowers the barrier to entry for use of these products. There are no maximum residue restrictions for these products, no human or environmental safety concerns, no phytotoxicity issues, and can be applied with standard small farm application means. This means that these products can be easily adopted in farmer’s practices without any concerns that conventional agrichemicals may carry.

Ag Biotech’s product offering has been pivotal for a successful yield increase for smallholder farmers in North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Southeast Asia, with the anticipated extension into Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Our products have helped smallholder farmers improve their crop yield, income and livelihood, and remain resilient to the unpredictable changes in our global climate.

Ag Biotech’s Global Presence

Global Presence of Ag Biotech as of 2023


In the complex challenge of global climate change, Ag Biotech stands as a committed advocate for smallholder farmers. Our mission extends beyond boosting crop yields, to cultivating a sustainable future through practices that strengthen the resilience of both the land and those who tend it. With innovative products and a strategic approach, we’re not only responding to the immediate needs but also anticipating the shifting paradigms of agriculture in a warming world.

Ag Biotech is dedicated to ongoing research and development, seeking ways to improve our products and strategies in response to the evolving needs of smallholder farmers and the changing climate. We recognize that our work requires collaboration, involving not just farmers and agricultural professionals, but also communities and global partners committed to sustainable development.

Contact Tristan Hudak, our Director of International Development, to discover how Ag Biotech’s products can directly improve your crop yield and build resilience in your community.

Email: [email protected] |


APN. Climate change scenarios over Southeast Asia.

Climate change scenarios over Southeast Asia


IOP Publishing.”Subnational distribution of average farm size and
smallholder contributions to global food production”

Frontiers, Drivers of rainfall trends in and around Mainland Southeast Asia.

Frontiers. Contribution of smallholder farmers to food security and opportunities for resilient farming systems.

FAO. The State of Food and Agriculture 2023.

FAO. Climate Smart Agriculture Sourcebook, Adaptation & Mitigation.

World Food Programme.

Yale Climate Connections.

International Monetary Fund. “Climate Change and Chronic Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa”.

International Monetary Fund. “Boiling Point”.

Earth Stat.

Zero Carbon Analytics. Smallholder farmers, agricultural sustainability and global food security.

VP Tristan Hudak Selected for AgGrad’s 30 under 30

AgGrad Announces 30 Under 30 Class for 2020

A Prestigious Recognition for 30 Young Professionals in Agriculture

Livonia, New York – Today on National Ag Day, AgGrad announced winners of the AgGrad 30 Under 30 Awards, a program created to celebrate the young professionals shaping the future of agriculture. Eighteen judges selected winners from peer and self nominations based on contributions in their career, community, and the industry at large. Winners will be featured on AgGrad’s social media channels and in a special print and online publication.

“From driving change within their local U.S.-based communities to supporting farmers and educators across the globe, the future is now with these incredible nominees!”
-Renée Vassilos, Director of Agriculture Innovation at The Nature Conservancy, and AgGrad 30 Under 30 Judge

Tristan Hudak, from Livonia, New York is one of such recognized. Tristan is a graduate from St. John Fisher College with his Bachelor’s degree in Physics, as well as a CCA for the Northeast Region of the US. He is currently pursuing his Master’s Degree at UC Davis in International Agricultural Development with a concentration in Agricultural Economics. He has served as Vice President at Ag Biotech, inc. for the past 6 years, and has been instrumental in the development of innovative crop inputs for the sustainable intensification of agricultural systems worldwide.

Recipients of this award find the recognition both personally and professionally rewarding. AgGrad 30 Under 30 is bringing together the brightest minds and future leaders of agriculture together to collaborate and advance the industry as a whole. “It’s an honor to be recognized and associated with such an esteemed group,” says Tristan. “Everyone here is on the cutting edge of agricultural innovation, and it’s been great to learn about the work that each member of this cohort is doing. It makes me hopeful for the future of agriculture.”

“These 30 individuals are at the forefront of agriculture and will one day be the leaders in agribusiness, innovation and technology, education and advocacy, entrepreneurship, sustainability and production,” says AgGrad Founder Tim Hammerich.

AgGrad was established in 2015 with the mission of “helping young professionals find their place in modern agriculture.” The company accomplishes this mission by providing blog posts, career profiles, job postings, “AgGrad Live” (a video program), and a weekly podcast called the “Future of Agriculture.” All is provided at zero cost to students and young professionals and supported by participating agribusinesses.

For more information or to receive the AgGrad 30 Under 30 publication, visit For advertising opportunities or more information on AgGrad, contact Tim Hammerich at [email protected] or 512-643-1556.